Sample Letter to Immigration Officer

You can also download The Sample Letter to Immigration Officer as a Word Document here.

[Your Name]
[Complete US address]
[Your Mobile #]
[Your Work#(if applicable) ]
[Your Email ID]

The Immigration Officer,
Port Of Entry,
[Airport Name]

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Granting Port of Entry

I, [Your Name], am residing at the above address, am writing on behalf of my parents, [Parents Name], since they cannot communicate well in English. The purpose of their visit is to spend time with me and also travel to different parts of the country. I will be accompanying them during their tours.

Since I work full-time on week days, I can only show them around and take them to various places on
either weekends or long weekends or if I am granted leave by my employer. Since my father [Father Name] is [Occupation] and has been granted only [# of Months] of vacation leave, I request you to
please grant them Port of Entry into the United States for [# of months] so that not only they can tour USA but also spend some quality time with me. I have already booked a return ticket for them and have also obtained a health insurance for them which cover the entire period of stay for them.

Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks in advance.

